
Average score 431 Reviews
Armand Lumeau noted on Google

Heureusement que Marion nous a conseillé d'y aller, c'était super 👍 (Translated by Google) Luckily Marion advised us to go there, it was great 👍

1 month ago
aurelie radenac noted on Google

1 month ago
Yves Savigny noted on Google

1 month ago
martine Boileau noted on Google

1 month ago
Jg Duquenoy noted on Google

Super restaurant, nourriture au top,personnel hyper accueillant Je recommande vivement (Translated by Google) Great restaurant, great food, super welcoming staff I highly recommend

2 months ago
Steve Martin noted on Google

2 months ago
cristina c.r. noted on Google

2 months ago
Mathis Pecastaings noted on Google

Cett expérience a été bien On ces régaler cettais bon Mai un peux cher Mais je recommande vivement ce restaurant (Translated by Google) This experience was good We're enjoying it that's good But a bit expensive But I highly recommend this restaurant

2 months ago
Isabelle Gaborit noted on Google

Le lieux est splendide chaleureux la cuisine est diversifiée le bémol c'est les sushi au saumon qui sont trop gros le riz était trop volumineux et la lamelle de saumon ne recouvert pas le riz comme il faut . Duchesse de Catherine (Translated by Google) The place is splendidly warm, the cuisine is diverse, the downside is the salmon sushi which is too big, the rice was too bulky and the strip of salmon did not cover the rice properly. Duchess of Catherine

2 months ago
Aurelie DERRE noted on Google

2 months ago

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11 Rue Charles Coulomb
37170 Chambray-les-tours, France

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